
The USPS EDDM Tool developed by® allows you to visually choose your target areas.  This will provide your EDDM campaign with greater accuracy and increase response rates. 

Sign up for a free account HERE

If you are considering a USPS Every Door campaign, here are some tips to make it successful.

USPS Every Door campaign tips:

  1. Budget.  Know what you can afford and what type of ROI (return on investment) you are trying to achieve.  This gives you honest feedback on if the campaign was successful or not.  See our pricing guide here.
  2. Your target market.  Be aware of different demographic information for neighborhoods you are considering.  Variables like age, gender, geography, income, etc. can provide insight on where you market your products or services.
  3. Objective.  Be clear with what you want to accomplish with your EDDM campaign.  Is it to promote products or generate leads? Increase awareness?  A special event?  Use these variables when considering the success of an EDDM campaign.
  4. Tell your staff.  Have them be aware of the specials or marketing campaigns so they can be knowledgeable of the offer.
  5. Have a clear call to action.

Website by Abe Fawson
Red Truck advanced digital marketing